Wednesday 27 February 2008


Please add your comments about the Chalford Donkey Project

Lesley from Leicestershire wrote this letter to us when she heard about the project on Radio 5 Live:
The mention of 'Chalford' and 'Donkey' took me straight back to my childhood, I had such happy holidays there. At night, before my bedtime, my uncle, aunt and I would stand on the porch and look over the valley to the woods opposite and then I used to think "when I am an old lady I'd like to live here." Unfortunately it wasn't to be but I still remember Chalford with great affection.

Pat from the West Midlands wrote to us:
I was delighted to read the article in the Daily Mail (Feb 8). It brought back many happy memories of then I was evacuated to Chalford at the age of 10 in 1940. I stayed with a Mr and Mrs Gardener of Abnash Cottages. Everyone was very kind to me.

A Daily Mail reader wrote in to the newspaper this letter of opposition:
How very kind of the Daily Mail to volunteer the services of a little donkey of 23 years old to work as a beast of burden for some lazy bastards who can quite easily carry their own shopping. We are disgusted by your newspaper encouraging these village weirdos. Bringing back archaic practices is disgaceful. We have moved on since the dark ages.

Another Daily mail reader wrote:
When we go abroad we see these poor little animals suffering lives of misery. We then think, thank goodness this doesn't happen in Britain. How nice for people to be able to see and touch animals. How very practical and environmentally friendly - WHAT ABOUT THE POOR ANIMAL? it has no say in the matter. Oh, and let's get the creature to plough our allotments. THIS IS CRUELTY TO ANIMALS by selfish human beings. Anna Usborne should have her wicker baskets tied round HER neck -see how she likes it. We are no great lover of animals but are disgusted at the way humans use them in a selfish way. There is no need for it in this day and age.


Sean said...

"Platero es pequeño, peludo y suave..." This is beginning of a very famous spanish poem about a lovely donkey which reminds me your project.

Cheer up!

Emily Smith said...

i'm so happy this project is taking shape and cant wait to see the donkey. any project that shows people it's possible to live car free and that re-connects the local community is worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

The children love Teddy and his weekly visits - thank you Anna for bringing him to us. He helps us support our village shop and brings the community together. Well done!