Hello and welcome to the Chalford Donkey Project. The Chalford Donkey Project was set up 2008 by a group of residents from Chalford, England. We run a weekly donkey delivery service transporting groceries from the local village shop direct to villagers' houses.
Why does Chalford need a donkey?Chalford is a beautiful and unique village set in the heart of the Cotswolds with houses perched high on a steep valley side. Some of these dwellings cannot be reached by car and are accessed by a winding network of 'donkey paths'. Donkeys were used in the village as late as the 1930's to make deliveries, carrying bread, coal and many other household items to people's doorsteps. In seemed timely that in 2008 the Chalford donkey should return, bringing a real focus to community life and a chance for people to have contact with animals and to think about alternative ways of transporting local goods.
How do the deliveries work?Teddy and Chester, the Chalford donkeys live at a smallholding on the outskirts of the village and are looked after by the project co-ordinator and other volunteers. Every week they are taken into the village to make deliveries from the local, community run shop. People who want a delivery can contact the shop with their order which is placed in the donkey delivery book. On delivery day the donkey is loaded up with bags and goes round to the different houses dropping off the shopping. The Chalford Community Stores plays a key role within this project. All the shopping deliveries originate from this shop which is a real hub of the community. It is a really special shop run mainly by volunteers and selling a lot of unusual and organic produce. It is from the community spirit of the shop that the Chalford Donkey Project has grown.
What about the welfare of the donkeys?Donkeys really enjoy working and being around people. The Chalford Donkeys are well cared for and only carry weights within their capabilities. The Donkey Sanctuary, one of the UK's main donkey welfare charities, have visited and declared their support for the Chalford Donkey Project.